Tag: steam

Pi and Space – Nerd Cave Show 20190625

NERD CAVE SHOW 20190625. AudioCraZ and Beard & Gary are in the studio! Tonight’s Candy Challenge: A surprise from Moksha! Dicks By Mail! Tonight we discuss: Raspberry Pi 4 Released NASA “Name the Rover” Contest Cononical and Steam Cave Gem: Ink Whiskey Concealable NES Entertainment Flask Links: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B is here! (YouTube) […]

Nerd Cave Show 20190326

NERD CAVE SHOW 20190326! AudioCraZ and Beard & Gary are in the studio! Tonight, we continue our 1-year Anniversary of broadcasting Nerd Cave Show! Come, celebrate, and let us know what your favorite past skit is. Tonight we discuss our favorite 2 skits: The Return of Stephbox Taco Lights Tonight we discuss: System Shock 3 […]

2018 Steam Summer Sale is Upon Us!

It is that time again folks! Time to pry open that wallet and feed our need for some sweet sweet gaming treats, and Valve has us covered! Once again, the 2018 Summer Steam Sale is upon us. You can net some really good deals from June 21st to July 5th. So decide soon. Valve has […]