Tag: bethesda

Nerd Cave Show 20190326

NERD CAVE SHOW 20190326! AudioCraZ and Beard & Gary are in the studio! Tonight, we continue our 1-year Anniversary of broadcasting Nerd Cave Show! Come, celebrate, and let us know what your favorite past skit is. Tonight we discuss our favorite 2 skits: The Return of Stephbox Taco Lights Tonight we discuss: System Shock 3 […]

Nerd Cave Show 20181204

Nerd Cave Show

  NERD CAVE SHOW 20181204! AudioCraZ, Stephbox, Lady Duke & Beard & Gary are in the studio! Coming at you at an earlier hour, we are now live at 7pm on Facebook Live. On tonights skit, Lady Duke asks her fellow Horsemen what they love about being apart of the Horsemen of Judgment Keep. Tonight […]

Nerd Cave Show 20180814

Nerd Cave Show

  NERD CAVE SHOW is LIVE! AudioCraZ, StephBox, Beard & Gary, Lady Duke & Nena are in the studio! In this weeks skit, we take a look back at Bakersfield Collector-Con 2018 that was this past weekend. Tonight we discuss: Jim Carrey to play Dr. Robotnik Tanglewood is available on Sega Genesis Blizzard has multiple […]

E3 Game and Press Release Videos

E3 Press Videos Featured Image

E3 has kicked off, and there is so much exciting information coming out. Below is the press release and videos of some of the games being displayed at E3 2018. In the past few days there have been a ton of announcements, confirmations, and overall a ton of excitement. We have compiled a list of […]

Nerd Cave Show 20180605

Nerd Cave Show

Ooops, I forgot to post this.. LOL! Better late than never! You can go and watch the latest episode of Nerd Cave Show on our YouTube or Twitch channels. We talk about in the news: EVGA Supernova 2000W G+ Power Supply, Guitar Hero Live Goes Offline, Apple MacOS 10.14 Update, Intel i7 8086k CPU, ASUS ROG […]