D&D Monk Update & Wizordum [S5E07] ~ Nerd Cave Show Podcast
NERD CAVE SHOW 20231127. After a bit of a hiatus, we are back. Tonight we take a long dive into Wizordum by Emberheart Games. A retro FPS game running on Unity that has you fighting goblns, orks, and various other monsters while searching for secrets and the source of Chaos. We also have a look at Playtest packet #8 for Dungeons & Dragons. With 2024 being the 50th anniversary of the mother of table-top RPGs, Wizards of the Coast is updating the 5th Edition ruleset’s playable classes, races, and other rules from the 2014 version of 5E. Packet 8 includes the Barbarian, Druid, and Monk classes. We ended the show discussing our World of Warcraft addiction with the return of Chris Metzen as Executive Creative Director.
Indie Spotlight:
Wizordum by Emberheart Games
Ray “AudioCraZ” Grens Jr.
Old Crow
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