Current Game Servers hosted by AudioCraZ
Nerd Cave Show’s 7 Days to Die Community Server:
Public server for all players with no server password. All mods *currently* are server side only and require no install on player side game clients. Just hop in and play. With the 1.2 update, crossplay has been enabled.
Current 7D2D Mods Installed:
CSMM Patrons Mod – CPM v25.2 (Server Side)
AGF – V1.0 – Backpack84Plus (Server Side)
Sam’s Car and Truck Respawner (Server Side)
AGF – V1.1 – HUD PLUS (Server Side)
Sam’s Stack Tweaks (Server Side)
LittleRedSonja Fancy Home Deco (Server Side)
LittleRedSonja T2 into T3 grade weapons (Server Side)
LittleRedSonja Grab Your Storage (Server Side)
Ammunition Recycling (Server Side)
Solar Powered (Server Side)
Dewtas More Dye Colors (Server Side)
For mods that are “Server Side”, there is no need to download to use to connect to the server. We used to have “client side” mods that required each player to download and install on their computer, with A21 we did away with these as it is easier for newer players to join in. We are constatly looking at other server side mods to add to the server, if you have any recommendations, you can always post on the Nerd Cave Dwellars FB group page. or the community Discord server.
AudioCraZ’s Cold-Ice Cali Server:
–This server is down until a new home can be found–
This is a new server running Half-Life: Cold-Ice Remasterd. An update to the original mod from 1999 that has been updated in 2021 by the original author Surreal. This server does run with Bots.
If you would like to help with costs of hosting these servers, please feel free to make one time donations to my paypal. Donations are never required, but always appreciated! Everything helps, and as always, thank you all for playing!

12/11/2024: (NCS WoW) We currently are running a private server. Further information can be found on our Discord.
12/11/2024: (7 Days to Die) Updated server to v1.2 b27, and mods (CPM 25.2, Fancy Home Deoc, T2 to T3 Weapons and Ammo Recycling). Did not generate a new map, may do so at a later date.
12/10/2024: (Half-Life Cold Ice Remastered) Server has been restored and is running. Waiting for the release of Beta 5. We had a the first Playtest on Monday night, and you can watch the video of Playtest 1 on YouTube.
11/4/2024: (7 Days to Die) Updated AGF HUD Plus to v3.3.0.
10/31/2024: (7 Days to Die) Updated Ammunition Recycling mod to latest version.
10/5/2024: (7 Days to Die) Generated a new map to add LittleRedSonja T2 into T3 grade weapons mod, and remove the Server Side Weapons mod. (going to miss the Savory) as was requested by players. Also added LittlleRedSonja Grab Your Storage Mod.
9/23/2024: (7 Days to Die) Server has been having crashes almost randomly since last update. First was once a day, then happening multiple times a day. Went as far as moving the software to different hardware… but crashes continued. Removed the “Stop Screamers” mod yesteray and there have been no crashes in the past two days. Fun times.
9/15/2024: (7 Days to Die) Generated a new map yesterday. Added “Stop The Screamers” mod to the server as getting neverending waves of double screamers while everyone is still dealing with pipe weapons was absolutly ridiculous. This mod returns most of the screamer spawning and frequency back down to A21 levels, not the bat shit crazy settings V1 is.
7/28/2024: (7 Days to Die) Updated “AGF – V1.0 – HUDPlus” as well as “V1 AGF HUD 2ADDON HealthBars” (removed Enemy Health V1.0 mod). Updated “LittleRedSonja Fancy Home Deco for 1.0” and “Sam’s Stack Tweaks” mods.
7/27/2024: (7 Days to Die) Updated “Sam’s Car and Truck Respawner” mod, and added “Detailed Armor Descriptions” and “Dewtas More Dye Colors” to the server.
7/25/2024: (7 Days to Die) Today is the Day! Updated server to 1.0 Release. Updated Patrons Mod to v25. Generated new map with all the fresh new goodies of 1.0!
7/20/2024: (7 Days to Die) Updated server to EXP 1 b326, as well as mods LittleRedSonja Fancy Home Deco for 1.0 and V1-ServerSideWeapons (b326).
7/18/2024: (7 Days to Die) Added Solar Powered mod to the server.
7/13/2024: (7 Days to Die) Updated CPM to 24.2, added Enemy Health 1.0 to show health bars of zombies due to player request.
7/12/2024: (7 Days to Die) Server side weapons was updated for b316, added back to the server. CSMM Patron’s Mod updated for 24.0.
7/11/2024: (7 Days to Die) Updated 7DtD server to 1.0 EXP b316, and updated FPS POI Power and Light PLUS mod. **ERROR** Server crashed, apparantly there was an issue with Server Side Weapons mod that caused major loot box errors. Had to generate a new map, go through each mod to verify things worked. Waiting for updates for Server Side Weapons and Server Side Zombies. Removed a lot of erroneous mods and added LittleRedSonja Fancy Home Deco Mod is it had much of the other mods plus more.
7/8/2024: (7 Days to Die) Added FPS POI Power and Light PLUS mod,
7/1/2024: (7 Days to Die) Added Server Side Weapons & Server Side Zombies PLUS to the server. Tweaked the Zombies PLUS mobs with a slightly lower chance to make them less frequent spawn chance. Will tweak spawn rate if needed.
6/29/2024: (7 Days to Die) Switch from Ana’s Vehicle Respawner to Sam’s Car and Truck Respawner. Both mods are great, but Sam’s Respawner allows to increase the health of the spawner to reduce the chance the players will destroy them accidentally. Added Sam’s Deco Stuff, Stack Tweaks, Working Stuff, and Storage Stuff.
6/28/2024: (7 Days to Die) The “updated” vehicle respawner by Buggi didn’t work, Anna was kind enough to update her vehicle respawner mod for 1.0. Tested and works great on the server. Scrapped vehilces will respawn after 7 days.
6/27/24: (7 Days to Die) Removed TerasXUI Mod and replaced it with AGF V1.0 HUDPlus. Also testing out a vehicle respawner.
6/24/24: (7 Days to Die) With the release of EXP 1.0 today, there will be a new map and all mods removed until the makers of the mods can update or create for 1.0. CSMM (admin mod) will be the only mod installed currently. I will keep the list for a while until new mods are added.
1/2/2024: (7 Days to Die) Added 2 new mods to the server. Ghilli Suit Mod and Lt. Dan’s A21 Doors. We also added the Quest Addemdem to the server, but would cause people to crash out when trying to complete them. Several of them were buggy when in groups. Overall, the added quest were very unplayable.
12/30/2023: (QPong) Had to shut down the Quake 2 QPong server. Looking for a new place and box to host it. Will be down for an unknown amount of time.
11/24/2023 – (7 Days to Die) Removed Chicken Coop mod (a way OP mod that really unbalaced egg gathering in the game). Added Reach Slim UI mod as per suggestion on Discord. Finally added the link to CSMM Patrons Mod but we have been running it for a while now.
9/14/2023 – (7 Days to Die) Due to file corruption, a new world map was generated. We attempted to restore back 2 different backups, and the error persisted. Down side to playing an “Alpha” game. Regardless, a new smaller 8k world was generated and the Zombies Plus mod removed. The Zombies Plus mod is badly unbalanced as they are extreme difficulty and can spawn on you at any time even a few min after you spawn into the game. All other mods still active.
9/13/2023 – (7 Days to Die) Per request of the community, Server Side Zombies PLUS has been added back to the 7 Days to Die server. It will probably be removed temporarily on the next map generation.
8/13/2023 – Removed Server Side Zombies PLUS. After generating a new map, we had the added zombies spawn and be over tanky. Unfortualy these zombies are badly unbalanced for beginning and mid game. Added the Chicken Coop and Server Side Weapons.
8/21/2013 – At the request of several players, the mod was added to pick up flags and banners. CPM was updated to 2.5.
7/15/2023 – Added Server Side Zombies PLUS most just to have zombie bunnies. … wait, wtf is a “zombie chicken”? Also, changed the scrappable vehicles to respawn after 7 days (from 14).
7/13/2023 – Changes the Car and Truck respwaner to 14 game days, and the respawner plant increased health to 30,000 to prevent accidental deletion (I did this often).
6/15/2023 – A21 b317 released. Generated a new 8k map, and added “Bigger Backpack Mod”.
6/12/2023 – With release of A21 EXP, the server is running a newly generated 8k map with no current mods. This may change in the near future.
12/5/2022 – Removed 2 mods as it made the game far too unchallenging (craft recipes from items) and carts, as they were a novelty, but not entirely useful.