Cold-Ice Remastered Beta 1 (Cold-Ice is BACK)
Cold-Ice was… well… IS a Half-Life deathmatch mod that saw birth in 1999. This mod is not meant to be taken too seriously. Movie quotes.. CHECK! Crazy weapons…. CHECK! Deathmatch that leaves you laughing for more… YES! Cold-Ice Remasterd Beta 1 is here for your retro gaming sweet spot.

Cold-Ice 6 Pack Cluster Grenades
After many years falling back far into the deep freezer, and receiving a bit of frost-bite, the mod was updated and has been released as BETA 1. Yes, Cold-Ice has been updated to run on updated Half-Life GoldSrc and Xash3D. For many years, due to updates to Half-Life, Cold-Ice had been broken and unplayable, but with Beta 1 it is playable once again in much of its version 1.75 days. There are a few bugs that will be ironed out over time, but the mod is playable once again!
Cold-Ice Discord Server
Want to get into the fun, hop into the discord server. Join in on the conversation, and help test out the latest release.
Installation of Cold-Ice Remastered Beta 1
As this is a “mod” (modification to the game) and the old retro gaming rules apply here. Download the Beta 1, and extract the two folders (ice_beta1 & ice_beat1_hd) into your Half-Life folder. Under steam, this will be “<your pc>/Steam/SteamApps/Common/Half-Life”. When the files are copied into your Half-Life folder, close Steam down (use the file -> exit) and then re-open Steam. You should see “Cold-Ice Remastered” now as in your games list in your Library! ENJOY!